African Aviation
Series No. 9
ISBN 0958438811

This book records many of the
Sanctions Busting methods used by the Rhodesian Air Force in acquiring
aircraft and equipment to maintain the high level of efficiency for which
they were known. The author gives in-depth accounts of how some aircraft
were obtained. He gives details of all the known aircraft which were flown
and includes a comprehensive Roll of Honour. It is A4 with 192 pages and
12 pages in colour and plenty of B & W photographs. It was published
in Hard cover and Soft cover.
The Rhodesian Air Force’s
history has been exhaustively covered in several publications in the
recent past, and this title adds yet another. The book offers a short
story of the establishment of the Rhodesian Air Force up to the advent of
majority rule in 1980.
The role of
the South African Air Force and South African Police in assisting their
Rhodesian compatriots is detailed and extensive use is made of photographs
to illustrate the text throughout. There is a lengthy reference sections
relating the histories and eventual fates of all Rhodesian Air Force
aircraft, as well as a complete Roll of Honour and aircraft
The book’s
sub-title “The Sanctions Busters” is somewhat misleading though, as there
is only a single chapter dealing with the sanctions-busting